Raw Suri Fleece – Dark Brown/Black Fine 28 cm


Long, soft suri fleece. Raw fibre. Fine micron. Combed length approx 28 cm.


8 in stock

SKU: BBY328 Categories: , , ,


This fleece is fine but strong and combs out well to around 28 cm. It has some tenderness on tips, but there is little wastage during combing. Some white fibres present. It is very soft and shiny.  Ideal fibre for doll’s hair.   100g packs of raw, unprocessed fibre.


About alpacarama products

The focus of alpacarama is to produce and promote handmade product from the fleece grown by our suri alpacas on our farm in the Strathbogie Tablelands in North Central Victoria, Australia.  Wherever possible, the products on this site are from our farm, our neighbouring farmers and local processors.  With over 1000 alpacas just on our farm, that is a lot of fibre!  So, via this on-line store, we can provide all those talented spinners, felters and textile artists with a range of alpaca fibre products to add their next project.  We will continue to add product to the site, but please contact us if you need something in particular, or would like to reserve special fleeces that sell out quickly.  We can also custom dye, spin and knit as required.